NAME Nieke
BIRTHDAY 26 August
FROM The Netherlands
COURSE Communication & Media Design
MALE SINGER Jon Foreman / Marcus Mumford
BAND Mumford & Sons / Imagine Dragons / AC/DC
GENRE rock, pop, acoustic, metal, indie, soundtrack
ACTRESS Emma Watson / Emilia Clarke / Jennifer Lawrence
ACTOR Robert Downey Jr. / Ryan Gosling
MOVIE I simply don't have one because there are to many.
TV SHOW Game of Thrones
BOOK Harry Potter / The Perks of Being a Wallflower / Looking for Alaska
WRITER John Green / J.K Rowling
LANGUAGE English (British)
CITY London
COUNTRY South-Africa
DRINK Water / Mohito
FOOD Italian
(these picks are all at the moment, it will change once in a while + I really tried to pick one at a time)
These facts will help you to get a small inside peak into my life. Nieke, that's my name. A Dutch girl dreaming about her own fantasy world. Last year I did my very first internship at a company near Covent Graden and there.. I met my boyfriend. That's why I'm living in London together with him to do my final graduation internship at the moment.
My friends? The nerdherd that's what we call ourselves. We're just a group of, as the word says, nerds. Who love music, movies and reading. The name wasn't really something we came up with. We just started using it to not have to type all the names.
I've always really enjoyed sports and have been a professional skier for 10 years. Because of the lack of time I decided to stop and go to the gym instead. Which I've been doing from the age of 15. I'm a football fan, and will cheer for the Dutch team and FC Utrecht. But when there's skiing on tv, I would gladly watch that as well.
I enjoy movie marathons and hate sleep. I'm an avid concert visitor and tv show watcher. I gladly spend time with friends, family or my boyfriend. I can't sit still and am to busy for my own good. I love and enjoy life the best I can, you only live once right?
For more information about my work experience? Check out my portfolio.